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Grenadier Episode 7

Taken From ANNThemes: ecchi, fanservice, girls with gunsAge rating: Teenagers (May contain bloody violence, bad language, nudity)Plot Summary: Rushuna is a blonde and very beautiful Senshi (gun expert) that travels through the world with one purpose. This is to make the world a peaceful place by instead of fighting with weapons, taking away the peopleֳ‚ֲ´s will to fight by giving them a smile. Although she doesnֳ‚ֲ´t want to fight, she is forced too and shows amazing gun skills. In this jo

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megaupload.comGrenadier - 07.rmvbrmvb84.91 MB
megaupload.com[Anime-Freak]Grenadier - 07.mkvmkv50.07 MB
fileserve.com[LIME]-Grndr-07.mkvmkv80.8 MB
megaupload.com[Lunar] Grenadier - 07 [C54FB8B2].aviavi175.23 MB
megaupload.com[da-anime.info]Gre - 07.mkvmkv50.07 MB
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